
2 1/2 c Flour; unbleached, all purp

1 c Sugar

1 ts Baking soda

1/2 ts -Salt

1/4 ts Cinnamon

1/4 ts Cloves, ground

2 tb Cocoa; unsweetened, pref.

-Dutch process 2 tb Fresh ginger; peeled, grated

1/2 ts Almond extract

3 Eggs; large

1 1/4 c Almonds; whole;blanched

-toasted lightly & -chopped coarse In the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with a paddle attachment, blend the flour, the sugar, the baking soda, the salt, the cinnamon, the cloves and the cocoa powder until the mixture is combined well. In a small bowl, whisk together the gingerroot, the almond extract and the eggs, add the mixture to the flour mixture, beating until a dough is formed, and stir in the almonds. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface, knead it several times and divide it into thirds. Working on a large buttered and floured baking sheet, with floured hands, form each piece of dough into a flattish log 10 inches long by 2 1/2 inches wide and arrange the logs at least 3 inches apart on the sheet. Bake the logs in the middle of a preheated 350F oven for 25 minutes and let them cool on the baking sheet on the rack for 10 minutes. On a cutting board cut the logs crosswise on the diagonal into 3/4 inch slices, arrange the biscotti, cut sides down, on the baking sheet, and bake them in the 350F oven for 5 minutes on each side. Transfer the biscotti to racks to cool and store them in airtight containers. MAKES: 36 BISCOTTI


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