
3 cups Sugar

7 tb Baking Cocoa

13 oz Evaporated Milk

4 ea Large Eggs — Beaten

1/2 c Butter Or Regular Margarine

1 ts Vanilla

2 c Coconut — Flaked

1 c Pecans — Chopped

2 ea Unbaked 9-inch Pie Shells

Melt the margarine and set aside. Combine the sugar and baking cocoa in a bowl. Stir in the evaporated milk, eggs, melted butter or margarine, and vanilla, blending well. Stir in the coconut and pecans and turn into two unbaked pie shells. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven for 40 minutes or until set around the edges. Cool on racks. Makes 2 pies of 6 servings each.


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