
1 cn Garbanzo beans; rinse/drain

1 tb Lemon juice; fresh

1 Cl Garlic; crushed

1 md Onion; chopped

1/2 sm Avocado*; peeled/chopped

1 md Tomato; chopped

4 Scallions; thinly sliced

1 tb Green chiles; canned, choppe

Recipe by: The New McDougall Cookbook Preparation Time: 0:15 Place the garbanzo beans in a food processor or blender. Add the lemon juice and garlic. Process briefly, until the garbanzos are slightly chopped. Add the onion and the avocado, if desired. Process again until the mixture is chunky. Place the mixture in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Mix well. Cover and chill before serving. 205 calories, 3.2 grams fat per 1/2 cup serving. This is a lower-fat version of the traditional guacamole. Because of the small amount of avocado used, however, it still contains some fat. To reduce the amount of fat, eliminate the avocado. The recipe with still be delicious. Serve with oil-free tortilla chips or fresh vegetables. : D/L from Prodigy 12-14-94. Recipe collection of Sue Smith. 1.80?

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