
2 tb Butter

1 c Couscous steeped in 1 1/4

c Boiling Water for 15 minutes 1/3 c Currants or raisins soaked

In 2 TB rum 2 ts Sugar

Salt and freshly ground Black pepper 1/2 c Chopped walnuts — pecans or

Sliced Almonds Sour cream or plain yogurt For garnish Heat butter in skillet; break clumps of couscous with your fingers. Add couscous to skillet with raisins, rum, and sugar saute for a couple of minutes to heat through; season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove from heat and stir in nuts. Top kebabs and couscous with yogurt. Recipe By : COOKING MONDAY TO FRIDAY SHOW #MF6750 From: Gail Shermeyer <4paws@netrax.Net>date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 17:46:04 -0500 —–

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