
3/4 cup warm water — 105 to 115 degrees

1 package Fleischmann’s Active Dry Yeast

1/4 cup butter or margarine — softened

1/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

1 egg

3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

*Date Nut Filling* 8 ounces Dromedary Chopped Dates

1/2 cup whole bran cereal

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

2 tablespoons packed brown sugar

2 tablespoons butter — melted

1 teaspoon Spice Islands Ground Cinnamon

*Confectioner’s Sugar Frosting* 1 cup confectioner’s sugar

4 teaspoons milk — to 5

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place water in large, warm bowl. Sprinkle in yeast; stir until dissolved. Stir in butter, sugar, salt, egg and enough flour to make soft dough. Knead on floured surface until smooth, about 8 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

Punch dough douwn. On floured surface, roll dough to 20 x 12 inches; cut into three 20 x 4 inch strips. Sprinkle 1/3 date filling along center of each strip. Pinch seams and ends to seal. Roll and stretch ropes to 24 inches. Place ropes, side by side, with seam sides down; braid. Form into wreath; pinch ends to seal. Transfer to greased baking sheet. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. BAke at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes or until done. Remove from sheet; cool on wire rack. Frost.

DATE NUT FILLING: Combine all filling ingredients

CONFECTIONER’S SUGAR FROSTING: Combine all frosting ingredients. Beat until smooth.

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