
0.50 c Snipped dried figs

0.50 c Chopped dates

0.50 c Chopped prunes

1.00 c Crushed pineapple

1.00 c Dark raisins

2.00 c Chopped apple (1 med. size)

0.50 c Chopped walnuts

0.50 c Orange juice

2.00 c Whole wheat flour

0.50 c Wheat germ, toasted

1.00 tb Baking powder

1.00 ts Baking soda

1.00 ts Ground cinnamon

0.50 ts Ground nutmeg

2.00 Eggs

Combine the figs, dates, prunes, pineapple, raisins, apple, walnuts, and orange juice in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a lightly oiled 10 inch tube pan. Bake in 350 F oven for 40 to 50 minutes.

1/15 cake – 193 calories, 1 bread, 1 1/2 fruit, 1 fat

exchange 37 grams carbohydrate, 5 grams protein, 4 grams fat 117 mg sodium, 349 mg potassium, 37 mg cholesterol Source : Am. Diabetes Assoc. Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman, 1986 Shared but not tested by Elizabeth Rodier, Nov 93 —–

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