
2 tb Flour

1 c Pineapple juice

1/2 c Butter

1/8 c Sugar

1/16 ts Salt

1 Egg

2 tb Lemon juice

4 sl Pineapple; cut fine

2 Oranges

1/4 c Nuts; chopped

10 Marshmallows

8 Maraschino cherries

1 pt Whipped cream

Make a paste of flour and pineapple juice, then gradually add remainder of juice. Add butter, sugar and salt. Cook in top of double boiler for approximately 10 minutes. Add the egg, slightly beaten. Continue to cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally; then cool and add lemon juice. Add pineapple, oranges, nuts, marshmallows and cherries; then fold in whipped cream. Pour into freezing tray and allow to freeze.

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