
3/4 c Sugar

1/2 c Water

2 c Apricot nectar

10 oz Strawberries

8 oz Pineapple, crushed

4 Bananas

Boil sugar and water; reduce heat and simmer until syrupy, about eight minutes. Set aside to cool. Slice bananas. Combine fruit ingredients, stir in syrup. Spoon into 18 foil cupcake liners in muffin (cupcake) pans; freeze 4 hours or overnight. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. 90 calories each no fat

Posted on GEnie by K.HAYES5 [KAREN], Nov 18, 1992 MM by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator, net/node 004/005

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