
2 1/4 c Flour

3 ts Baking powder

1 ts Salt

2/3 c Crisco

1 c Sugar

1 ts Grated lemon rind

3/4 c Milk

4 Egg whites

1 cn Jellied cranberry sauce;

– cut into cubes

———————————-FROSTING———————————- 2 Egg whites

3/4 c Sugar

1/3 c Light corn syrup

2 tb Water

1/4 ts Salt

1/4 ts Cream of tartar

1 ts Vanilla

6 dr Red food coloring

Mix dry ingredients. Cream sugar and crisco. Add lemon rind. Add dry ingredients alternately with milk. Beat egg whites until soft mounds begin to form and add gradually to cake mix. Fold in jellied cranberry sauce cut into 1/4 inch cubes. Pour into 2 well greased and floured 8″ round layer pans Bake 375~ 30-35 minutes. Cool and frost. Pink Fluffy Frosting: Combine egg whites, sugar, light corn syrup, water, tsp salt, and cream of tartar in top of double boiler. Cook over rapidly boiling water, beating with roatry beater or electric mixer until mixture stands in peaks. Remove from heat, Add vanilla and red food coloring; continue beating until thick enough to spread. —–

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