
1 ts Salt

1/2 ts Black pepper

1 c Cornmeal

1 tb Sherry or brandy (optional)

1 Jar prepared mustard

*SOURCE: Recipe of Bill Rogers, Golf Director, San Antonio CC Catfish (Steaks, fillets or whole) Oil for frying. Heat oil until it pops when sprinkled with a drop of water. Pat fish dry, then brush with mustard, (mixed with sherry or brandy if desired). Sift cornmeal, salt and pepper into bag. Add 2 or 3 steaks or fillets, or 1 whole fish; close and shake. Drop fish carefully into hot oil; fry until lightly browned. Drain well on paper. Keep fish warm and crisp in a closed paper sack. Try fresh or canned potatoes fried with the same batter. Tastes good. *Collection of Clarence Fontish*

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