
1 c Sour cream

2 tb Flour, all-purpose

3/4 c Sugar

1 ts Vanilla extract

1/4 ts Salt

1 Egg; beaten

2 1/2 c Blueberries, fresh

1 Pastry shell, 9″; unbaked

3 tb Flour, all-purpose

3 tb Butter (or marg.); softened

3 tb Pecans; chopped

Combine first 6 ingredients; beat 5 minutes at medium speed of an electric mixer or until smooth. Fold in blueberries. Pour filling into pastry shell; bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

Combine remaining ingredients, stirring well; sprinkle over top of pie. Bake 10 additional minutes. Chill before serving. SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, July 1980. Typos by Nancy Coleman. Submitted By NANCY COLEMAN On 06-11-94 —–

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