
5 T Butter

2 1/4 c Flour

1 c Sugar

2 Eggs

3/4 c Milk

2 t Baking powder

1 t Vanilla

1 t Cinnamon

2 c Fresh blueberries

Sprinkled with a little Sugar

Preheat oven to 450. Grease 9″ springform pan. In mixing bowl, cut 4 tablespoons butter into flour and sugar. When thoroughly mixed, take out 3/4 cup of mixture and set aside. To mixture remaining in bowl, add eggs, milk, baking powder and vanilla. Beat thoroughly until batter is smooth and not grainy.

Pour batter into prepared pan; spread batter up around sides of pan, completely lining pan and forming a hollow in center of pan. Place blueberries in hollow. Add 1 tablespoon butter and cinnamon to reserved 3/4 cup flour mixture; work mixture with fingers until crumbly. Sprinkle crumbs on top of berries. Bake for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 and bake 20 minutes more. Serve warm or cold.

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