
1 loaf sweet French bread – slice

approx 1/2 inch thick 1 doz eggs

1 pound Jack cheese — grated

1 pound Swiss cheese — grated

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup white wine

1 teaspoon salad seasoning

Salt and pepper Sausage — browned and — crumbled

Place sliced French bread in a buttered 9×13 pan (fill in holes with smaller pi eces of bread so the whole bottom is covered). Mix eggs, cheese, milk, wine, et c., pour over bread, sprinkle sausage over top. Cover with foil and refrigerate overnight. Bake covered for 1 hour, 350 degrees. Makes two 9×13 casseroles. Re cipe from “One Million Recipes CD”

busted by Judy R.

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