
12 oz Frankfurters *1

3 tb Salad oil or fat

3 tb Flour

1 ts Salt

1/8 ts Dry mustard

ds Rubbed sage ds Curry powder 1/8 ts Chili powder

1 sm Bay leaf

29 oz Canned tomatoes (1lb 13 oz)

8 oz Macaroni, cooked

* the recipe calls for a 12 ounce can of frankfurters. Maybe a package of wieners would work. Cut franks in 1 inch pieces. heat fatoil add meat and brown lightly. Add flour and seasonings; blend with fat and franks in pan. Force tomatoes through a coarse sieve; Add pulp to ingredients in pan. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat; continue to cook until thickened. Serve over hot, drained macaroni.

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