
2 pt Strawberries

1/4 To 1/2 cup sugar

2 tb Lemon juice

1 ts Very finely minced thyme

2 c Dry red wine, such as a

-Burgundy or Zinfandel Stem the strawberries. Leave small berries whole; halve or quarter large ones. Place the berries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar to taste. Combine the lemon juice, thyme and wine, then pour over the strawberries. Refrigerate for least 3 hours++or up to 1 day++before serving. The longer the berries marinate, the more wine-flavored they will become. Serves 4 or 6 (8 as a topping). PER SERVING: 150 calories, 1 g protein, 22 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 7 mg sodium, 4 g fiber.

Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; May 11 1993.

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