
1/3 Cup Cake Flour

1/3 Cup Granulated Sugar

2 Lg Egg Whites

2 Tbls Confectioners’ Sugar

2 Tbls Vegetable Oil, Preferably Canola

1 Tbls Butter — softened

1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

Pinch Of Salt

Preheat oven to 300F. Very lightly oil 2 nonstick baking sheets or lightly coa t them with nonstick cooking spray. In a food processor, combine all of the ingredients and process until smooth. Drop 6 scant tablespoonfuls of the butter onto a prepared baking sheet, placing well apart from each other on the sheet. (Set the remaining ingredients on the side.) With a small spatula or the back of a spoon, spread each spoonful into a 3 1/2 inch circle. Bake until quite golden, 10-15 minutes. Have a small bowl and a muffin tin ready. Remove the aking sheet from the oven . With a think spatula, carefully release the cookies but leave them on the ba king sheet. Return the sheet of cookies to the oven to soften for 1 minute. O pen the oven door but leave the cookies inside to remain pliable in the warmth of the oven. Remove 1 cookie at a time from the oven. Lay a fortune in the center of a cook ie and roll into a tube, overlapping the edges slightly. Holding the ends, fol d the cookie in half down over the rim of the bowl to form the traditional fort une cookie shape. Immediately transfer the cookie to the muffin tin to keep it from opening as it cools. Repeat with the remaining cookies. Spread and bake the remaining batter, and form cookies as directed above. Makes 12 fortune cookies.

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