
1 Small Yellow Cake layer

1 pt Ice Cream or Sherbet

8 Clay Flower Pots

8 Large Soda Straws

1 Meringue

3 Egg Whites

6 tb Sugar

1/2 ts Vanilla

+——————————-MERINGUE————— ~————- NOTE: Flower pots should be 2 1/2 in. high by 3 in. Diameter. Sterilize flower pots by boiling. Dry pots. Place a piece of plain yellow cake in the bottom of each pot to cover the hole in the bottom. Add ice cream or sherbet to pots until three-quarters full. In the middle of each pot, force a large ice cream soda straw and cut off even with top of the pot. Pile meringue around the inside of the pot, leaving s over the soda straw open. Bake at 400 degrees until the meringue turn brown, (about 5 minutes). Insert fresh flowers in the soda straw. For a holiday look, use

holly and red roses or carnations. For the Meringue: Beat the egg whites until foamy before slowly adding the sugar, beat well after each addition. Beat until shiny and stiff, but not dry. Fold in vanilla. Each flowerpot requires about a third of a cup of meringue Each serving, (vanilla ice cream was used for analysis) contains 262 calories, 5 grams protein, 9 grams fat, 42 grams carbohydrate, 158 mg sodium and 38 mg cholesterol. This recipe used to be prepared at the Hotel Driskill in Austin, Tx, b Ms. Corbitt. According to Texas Highways Magazine, Dec 90, it is now served by the hotel only at Banquets. Ms. Corbitt passed away in 1978 but her cookbook, Helen Corbitt’s Cookbook is still enjoyed.

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