
3 eggs

1 cup cream

1 1/2 cups sour cream

1/3 cup buttermilk

2 tablespoons sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon soda water

1 1/2 cups flour

Beat eggs to soft peaks; add dream, sour cream, buttermilk. Blend dry ingredien ts; stir in just until smooth. Bake on mod. hot griddle, at least 2 1/2 minutes each side. Keep warm between towels in 250 oven. Makes 20 5″ pancakes.

To serve: Place about 2 tablespoons sweetened strawberries on one side of each pancake. Fold other side over. Sprinkle with Confectioners’ sugar and slivered toasted almonds.

TIP: Don’t have griddle too hot – pancakes must bake at least 2 1/2 minutes eac h side.

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