
1 Smoked Haddock

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 cup Milk Or Half And Half


Skin the haddock, and cut in serving sized or bite sized pieces. Melt butter in heavy frying pan. Add fish, sprinkle with pepper, cover tightly, and cook v ery gently for about five minutes or so. Mix a little milk into the cornstarch and blend smooth then add remaining milk. Pour this over fish. Simmer very gently another five minutes. Serve immediately with boiled potatoes. Serves 4 to 6, depending on size of fish and size of appetite.

Smoked haddock source: Horton’s PO Box 430 Waterboro, ME 04087 (800) 346-6066; fax (207) 247-6902

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