
3 tb Unsalted butter

3/4 c Onions – chopped

3/4 c Scallions – chopped

1/2 c Carrots – chopped fine

1/4 c Celery – chopped fine

1/4 c Red bell pepper – minced

1/4 c Green bell pepper – minced

2 ts Garlic – minced

1 ts Black pepper

1/2 ts White pepper

1/4 ts Cayenne pepper

1 ts Cumin

1/2 ts Nutmeg – grated

3 Eggs – well beaten

12 oz Sausage meat

1/2 c Half-and-half dairy cream

2 lb Ground beef – lean

1/2 c Ketchup

3/4 c Breadcrumbs – toasted

Salt to taste Contributed to the echo by: Fred Towner Originally from: Filomena Rodrequez ~ Third Place in the Calgary Sun’s Great Meatloaf Recipe Search – Calgary Sun, Monday, June 4, 1990 Filomena Rodriguez Market Street Meatloaf – 3rd Saute the onion, scallions, carrots, celery, bell peppers and garlic in butter until tender. Cool. Combine the salt, white and black pepper, cayyene pepper, cumin, nutmeg, egg and beat well. Add ketchup and half-and-half and blend thoroughly. Add ground beef, sausage and breadcrumbs to egg mixture, then mix in the vegetables. Place the meatloaf in a baking dish and place the dish inside a large pan. Pour boiling water into large pan until halfway up the sides of the baking dish. Bake at 375F for 45 to 50 minutes. Remove baking dish from water bath and let the meatloaf rest for 30 minutes before slicing and serving. This contains 8-10 portions.

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