
4 lg Potatoes

3 1/2 oz Bacon

3 1/2 oz Mushrooms, fresh

2 Baby Carotts

8 oz Spinach,fresh

1/2 pk Sweet Cream

8 c Dry White Wine

Swiss Cheese, grated 1.Clean and scrub new potatoes;if they are older peel them. 2.With a knife

or a special tool cut a whole in each potatoe.Boil them in salted water until they are done, but not to soft.Test them constantly. 3.Clean and chop mushrooms and carrots and saute in the olive oil until they are done.Season with salt and pepper and a little Lemonjuice. 4.Cut bacon into very small pieces and add to it. 5.Wash spinach and cut into fine stripes and add to skillet. 6.Add the wine and heat through and fill the potatoes with this mixture. 7.Sprinkle cheese over each potatoe and bake in oven under the grill for a couple minutes. 8.Serve with a green salad and a cold beer. BY N3-Videotext translated by Brigitte Sealing Cyberealm BBS Watertown,NY 315-785-8098 or 315-786-1120


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