
1 c Lard

3 Eggs

1 ts Baking soda

2 c Brown sugar

4 c Flour

2 tb Water – cold

—-filling—- 1 c Raisins

1 c Sugar

1 c Water

1 tb Flour

Filling: Boil and cool. Put between cookies before baking. Note: Combine ingredients for dough while filling is cooling. Roll out, cut, spread with filling. Bake in moderate 350 F. oven. Source: Mrs. Anna Long, Magnolia Grange, Stark County, OH Calories per serving: Number of Servings: 1 Fat grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: Cholesterol per serving: Marks: P Submitted By BILLY REEVES On MON, 10-11-93 (12:31) —–

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