
6 Perfectly ripe figs

– beginning to show milky – at the seams 2 Handfuls of green

– such as tender Arugula – Leaves and their Blossoms, – Red Oak Lettuce Leaves, – tendrils of Frizzy Endive – or a Buttery Limestone – Lettuce, some Chervil – sprigs 3 Rounds of mild goat cheese

6 Fresh walnuts, shelled

– and left in large pieces Freshly ground pepper ——————————THE VINAIGRETTE—————————— 1 sm Shallot; finely diced

2 ts Champagne vinegar

1 pn Salt

2 tb Extra-virgin olive oil

-=OR=- Walnut oil QUARTER THE FIGS OR SLICE them into rounds. Wash and dry the greens. Make the vinaigrette (RECIPE Follows), and dress the greens with just enough to coat them lightly. Arrange the greens on 2 or 3 plates and lay the figs among them, along with the cheese and walnut pieces. Spoon the remaining vinaigrette over the top and serve, lightly peppered. THE VINAIGRETTE: COMBINE THE SHALLOT, VINEGAR and salt in a bowl, then whisk in the oil. Taste and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.

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