
3/4 c California dried figs

2 c Sifted cake flour

2 tb Double-acting baking powder

1/2 ts Salt

2 tb Sugar

1 ts Grated lemon rind

3 Egg yolks

1 1/2 c Milk

7 tb Butter or shortening; melted

3 Egg whites; stiffly beaten

Allow figs to stand in boiling water for 10 minutes, then clip off stems and blossom ends with scissors, and snip into small pieces. Reserve some for use in syrup. Sift flour, measure, then re-sift into mixing bowl with remaining dry ingredients. Add lemon rind and finely cut figs. Combine well-beaten egg yolks with milk and melted shortening. Mix lightly into dry ingredients, then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake on hot waffle iron until golden brown. Serve with lots of butter and warm maple syrup to which cut figs have been added. Source: 48 Family Favorites with California Figs Reprinted with the permission of The California Fig Advisory Board Electronic format courtesy of Karen Mintzias

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