
LEMON YOGURT DRESSING: 1 8 oz. carton lemon yogurt

1 tb Lemon juice

1 tb Honey

SALAD: 1 Kiwifruit, peeled, sliced

2 c Cubed cantaloupe

1 c Sliced strawberries

1 Banana, sliced

In small bowl, combine all dressing ingredients; blend well. Cover; refrigerate to blend flavors. In large bowl, combine kiwifruit, cantaloupe and strawberries; toss gently. Cover; refrigerate until serving time. Just before serving, add sliced banana. Top each 2/3 cup serving of fruit mixture with 2 tablespoons dressing. 6 2/3 serving Typed in MMFormat by cjhartlin@msn.com Source: Pillsbury Party Book —–

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