
1/2 c Bulgur

1 sm Onion, finely chopped

2 tb Pine nuts, or chop almonds

2 tb Lemon juice

1 ts Salt

1 ts Cinnamon

1/2 ts Cayenne pepper [optl]

1 lb Ground beef

Plain yogurt In bowl, cover bulgur with boiling water; let soak for 10 minutes. Drain in sieve, pressing to squeeze out water. In bowl, combine bulgur, onion, pine nuts, lemon juice, salt, cinnamon and cayenne pepper; mix in ground beef. shape into eight 1/2-inch thick patties. In non-stick skillet, cook patties over medium heat, in batches if necessary and turning once, for 8 minutes or until no longer pink inside. Serve with yogurt. Similar to Lebanese Kibbe but quicker to make. Per serving: about 330 calories, 22 g Protein, 20 g fat, 17 g carbohydrate Source: Canadian Living magazine Oct 94 Presented in article by Vicki Burns: “Fast & Fit: Hamburger Gets Help” [-=PAM=-] PA_Meadows@msn.com

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