
1 tb Oil

1 Can (13 3/4 oz) beef broth

4 lg Cloves garlic — minced

1 1/2 c To 2 cups water

1 lg Spanish onion — minced

2 tb Brown sugar

2 md Carrots — chopped

2 tb Chili powder

1 md Zucchini — chopped

2 ts Ground cumin

1 Can (15 1/2 oz) red kidney

1 t Dried oregano

– beans — drained, rinsed 1 t Salt

– coarsely chopped 1/2 c Bulgur wheat

1 Can (28 oz) whole tomatoes

1/2 c Fresh or frozen corn kernels

– liquid reserved — tomatoes Light sour cream or – coarsely chopped – low-fat yogurt 1 Can (6 oz) low-salt

Thin sliced green onions – tomato paste Thin sliced cilantro leaves

1. Heat oil in 3-quart non-aluminum saucepan over

medium-high heat. Add garlic, onion, carrots and 1/2 cup of the zucchini. Cook, stirring often, until onion is softened, about 4 minutes. Add kidney beans, tomatoes and their liquid, tomato paste, beef broth, 1 1/2 cups water, brown sugar, chili powder, cumin,

oregano and salt. Stir until combined. Simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, 40 minutes. 2. Add remaining zucchini, bulgur wheat and corn

kernels. Simmer 10 minutes more. Add remaining 1/2 cup water as necessary. Taste and adjust seasoning. Serve hot. Pass light sour cream or low-fat yogurt, sliced green onions and cilantro leaves separately. Note: This is a highly flavorful, crunchy and substantial chili. As with most chilis, it’s best made at least a day ahead so the flavors fully develop. Can be made up to 3 days ahead and refrigerated or frozen as long as 3 months. Reheat gently, adjusting water and seasoning as needed. From the Chicago Tribune 10/3/93.

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