
0.75 c Diet margarine

1.50 c Non-nutritive sweetener,

-Sugar Twin is best for -this 4.00 ts Baking powder

0.50 ts Salt

3.00 c Flour

1.00 c Skim milk

1.00 ts Almond extract

0.75 c Egg whites(4-5)

Preheat oven to 375 F. Cream margarine and sweetener. Sift baking powder, salt, flour, then add alternately with skim milk to creamed mixture. Add almond extract, and beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, and fold in. Pour into 2 well-greased 9″ layer pans. Bake about 30 minutes. Cool a few minutes, then remove from pans and cool further on wire racks. Top with Creamy Frosting. Makes 1 two layer cake. From: Jeffrey Dean Date: 11-18-93 —–

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