
2 3/4 To 3 1/4 cups all-purpose

-flour 1 pk Instant dry yeast

1 tb Sugar

1 ts Salt

1 1/4 c ;Warm water

2 tb Shortening

Cornmeal Oven is not needed. Use pan or electric griddle heated to 325 F. In large mixer bowl, combine 1 1/4 cups flour, yeast, sugar and salt; mix well. Add warm water (125 F. or so) and oil to flour mixture. Blend at low speed until moistened. Beat 3 minutes at medium speed. By hand, gradually stir in enough remaining flour to make a firm dough. Knead on floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and allow to rise in a warm place until double, about 45 minutes. Punch down dough. On surface sprinkled with cornmeal, roll dough into 1/4″ thickness. With biscuit or cookie cutter, cut into 3 to 4″ circles. Place muffins on ungreased cookie sheets. Cover and allow to rise at room temperature until double, about 30 minutes. Bake on lightly oiled electric griddle or fry pan at 325 F. for about 8 minutes on each side, until deep golden brown. Yield: About 12 muffins. Found in bakebred.zip on Linda Fields’s Cyberealm BBS. Formatted by Cathy Harned.

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