
1/2 lb Butter, softened

2 lg Eggs, beaten

1 c Sugar

4 c Flour

2 T Baking powder

2 T Vanilla

1/2 ct Confectioners sugar

2 T Milk

1 T Anise extract

Confetti sprinkles

DOUGH: Cream butter and sugar, add eggs and flavoring. Mix well. Blend in flour and baking powder. Work to form a soft pliable dough.

Cut off pieces of dough, the size of a walnut, roll to about 1/2″ thickness, then shape into a curved ‘S’ shape about 2 1/2″ long or a straight 2 1/2″ pencil shape. Bake in preheated oven 375 degrees until lightly brown about 15-20 minutes. Cookies may be iced or left plain.

ICING: Blend sugar and anise extract, adding milk slowly to form a soft, smooth icing. Ice cookies while warm, sprinkle confetti on top if desired.

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