
————————-CYBEREALM BBS 315-785-8098————————- 2 c Bisquick

2/3 c Milk

2 tb Sugar

1 Egg

————————–FOR THE STRUESEL TOPPING————————– 1/3 c Bisquick

1/3 c Packed brown sugar

1/2 ts Cinnamon

2 tb Firm margarine or butter

Heat oven to 375F. Grease round pan, 9 x 1 1/2″. Prepare Streusel topping; reserve. Mix all remaining ingredients, beat 30 seconds. Spread in pan; sprinkle with streusel topping. Bake 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm. Makes 8 servings. For the streusel topping: Mix all ingredients together until crumbly. Source: The back of the Bisquick box Typed for you by; Linda Fields, Cyberealm BBS Watertown NY 315-786-1120

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