
1 can refrigerated pizza crust — (l0-oz)

8 eggs

1/4 cup half-and-half OR milk

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

2 tablespoons butter or margarine

1 package chive, veggie or regular cream cheese

8 slices crisply cooked bacon

Green onions — if desired

Heat oven to 425 degrees. Grease a 12-inch pizza pan. Unroll dough; place in greased pan. Starting at center, press out dough with hands. Bake for 6 to 7 minutes or until crust begins to brown.

Meanwhile, in medium bowl, combine eggs, half-and-half, salt and pepper, beat well. In large skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add egg mixture; cook and stir until thoroughly cooked but still moist. Remove from heat.

Spoon cooked egg mixture over partially baked crust. Drop cream cheese by teaspoonfuls over eggs. Arrange bacon in spoke fashion on top of pizza. Bake for an additional 8 to 12 minutes or until toppings are thoroughly heated and crust is deep golden brown. Garnish with green onions.

Converted by MC_Buster.

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