
Oranges Lemons 2 ea Pie crusts

1 ea Duck

———————————–STOCK———————————– Giblets from Duck 1/4 c Butter, clarified

3 md Mushrooms; sliced

1 md Onions; diced

1 Carrots; diced

1 Celery stalk; diced

1 Bay leaves

1 ts Sage

1 c Wine, white

2 tb Vinegar, balsamic

Salt Pepper, black ———————————–SAUCE———————————– 2 tb Butter

2 tb Flour

1 c Juice, apple

1 tb Peel, orange, grated

2 tb Triple Sec

———————————VEGETABLES——————————— 1 c Broccoli florets

1 ea Leeks; sliced thinly

1 ts Ginger, ground

1 c Celery; diced

1/2 c Bell peppers, red; diced

Bake & debone duck; save crispy skin for pie crust. While Duck is roasting, make sauce for pot pie: chop up giblets (except for neck) and brown all pieces in clarified butter over medium heat. Add mushrooms, onion, carrot and celery. When onions are translucent, add enough water to cover, then the wine, vinegar, bay leaf, sage and salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for 30 minutes, reduce liquid to one cup, then remove neck and bayleaf. Make a roux with flour and butter, stirring constantly until flour is a medium brown. Add the giblet stock, grated orange peel, Triple Sec and the apple juice, stirring constantly to keep sauce smooth. When sauce is medium thick, remove from heat. Line 9″ deep dish pie pan with bottom crust. Add meat, broccoli, leeks, diced celery, peppers and ginger, and pour sauce over all. Roll pieces of reserved crispy duck skin into top crust, then cover pie and seal and crimp edges. Bake at 425 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until crust browns. This is a nice, hot, wintertime or rainy day entree. Recipe fashioned by CCG2: Jo Ann Klein, Kemper Smith, MaryJane Zirolli, Carey Dudgeon, Penny Stamm and Garry Williams Posted on GEnie by G.WILLIAMS42 [Garry/CaryNC], Feb 03, 1993 MM by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE.STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator, net/node 004/005

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