
4 Eggs; separated

1/2 c Sugar

1 c Flour

1 ts Baking powder

1/4 ts Salt

1/3 c Butter; melted

1 ts Vanilla extract

H SAUCE 2 c Sugar

2 c Water

1/2 c Rum, brandy or sherry

Toasted, chopped almonds or -toasted shredded coconut -for topping. Beat egg whites till stiff and add 4 tablespoons sugar. Beat egg yolks with remaining sugar and add to egg whites. Fold in dry ingredients and add melted butter and vanilla. Pour into a 2-quart casserole. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and make holes in the top with an ice pick. Pour sauce over warm cake. Sauce: Boil sugar and water until soft ball stage. Remove from heat and add rum. Pour sauce over cake and before all the liquid is absorbed, sprinkle with almond or coconut. NOTE: Good served warm or at room temperature the second day. Formatted for MM by Pegg Seevers —–

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