
4 oz Self-raising flour

2 tb Granulated sugar

1 Egg, beaten

5 fl Milk*

*Approximate. — Sift the flour into a mizing bowl and mix in the sugar. Make a well in the center of the flour and drop in the egg. Stir in the milk gradually and mix to a creamy batter. The thicker the batter, the thicker the pancake will be. Heat the bakestone and grease lightly. Using a large spoon, drop the batter off it in round “puddles” onto the bakestone, leaving room for spreading. Cook over a moderate heat until the top surface is covered with bubbles, and when the underside is golden, turn and cook the other side. When golden, lift off the bakestone and wrap in a cloth. Serve as soon as possible with butter, honey and preserves. If any are left until the next day, they can be crisped under the grill before serving. For a change, 1 oz of butter can be rubbed into the flour and sugar: or lemon essence (six drops) can be added to the batter.

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