
9 x Inch loaf of unsliced

Sour-dough bread Pouch dry onion soup mix 2 lb Ground beef

1 lg Tomato, sliced

1/4 c Water

Lettuce leaves Sweet pickle chips

With large, serrated knife, cut bread horizontally in half. From top half, remove soft bread, leaving crust, and crumble enough bread to measure l cup. Set aside top crust. Preheat broiler. In large bowl, with fork, combine bread crumbs, dry soup mix and water, let stand 5 min. Stir in beef lightly. Shape into 9 in. patty. Place on broiler rack over pan. Broil 6 in. from heat till firm, about 10 min. Line bottom half of bread with lettuce leaves. With 2 pancake turners, lift beef patty onto lettuce. Top with tomato slices, pickle chips and top crust. To serve, cut burger into wedges. Serves 6 to 8.


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