
3 tablespoons Margarine

1/2 cup Chopped onion

1 cup Sliced celery

3 tablespoons Flour

1 teaspoon Dillweed

Salt & pepper to taste 2 cups Milk

1 cup Tuna — drained

1 cup Peas — drained

1 package Refrigerated biscuits

Saute onion and celery in margarine about 5 minutes. Blend in flour, dillweed, salt and pepper; cook, stirring constantly until mixture bubbles; slowly stir in milk. Cook, stirring constantly until sauce thickens. Flake tuna, stir in with peas, bring to boiling, stirring often. Pour into a 6 cup casserole; arrange biscuits on top. Bake in 400 oven 20 minutes or until buscuits are brown.

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