
2 8-Oz. Salmon Steaks — (freshly caught)

—–Dill Mix—– 4 Tablespoons Butter Or Margarine

1 Teaspoon Dill Seed

1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

2 Teaspoons Fresh Chives — or parsley

1 Pinch Pepper

To prepare the dill mix, melt the butter in a shallow pan over a low heat. Add lemon juice and mix well. Remove from the heat and blend in the dill and chives. Allow the mixture to cool.

Broil the salmon steaks 6-8 minutes on each side turning once. Baste frequently with dill mixture. Remove from the broiler and place on a platter, covering the steaks with the remaining mix. Serve with a zucchini and tomato stew, au gratin potatoes and dill rye bread. Add a glass of wine and candle light for a real dinner for two.

Serves 2.

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