
2 cups Sliced peaches

2 tablespoons Granulated sugar replacement

1/2 teaspoon Almond extract

1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon

1 cup Flour

2 tablespoons Baking powder

1 d Salt

2 tablespoons Liquid veg.shortening

1 Egg

1/4 cup Milk

Place peaches in bottom of well-greased 8-in.baking dish.Sprinkle with 1 tb sp.sugar replacement,the almond extract and cinnamon.Combine flour, remaining sugar replacement,baking powder and salt iin mixing bowl.Add shortening,egg and milk,stirring just to mix.Spread evenly over peaches, and bake 30 min. at 400 degrees F.

yield:9 servings

exchange:1 serving ? bread,1 fat calories:1 serving ?02 calories

From Dia’s Scrap Book busted by MC Buster 2.0d

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