
—–LIZ JONES—– —–PASTRY—– 1 1/4 cup Flour — all-purpose

3/4 cup Butter — softened-1 1/2 stick

1/4 cup Sugar

1 Egg yolk — large

Grated peel of 1 sm lemon —–FILLING—– 5 package Cream cheese;softened — ea 8oz

1 3/4 cup Sugar

5 Eggs — large

1/4 cup Milk

3 tablespoon Flour — all-purpose

2 Egg yolks — large

Grated peel of 1 sm lemon

1. First prepare pastry dough: In large bowl, with mixer at low speed, beat flour, butter, sugar, egg yolk and grated lemon peel until well mixed. Shape dough into ball; wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 hour.

2. Preheat oven to 400-degrees. Press 1/3 of dough onto bottom of 10″ x 2 1/2″ springform pan; keep remaining dough refrigerated.

3. Bake crust 8 minutes ot until golden; cool in pan on wire rack. Turn oven control to 475-degrees.

4. While crust is cooling, prepare filling: In large bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat cream cheese just until smooth; slowly beat in sugar, scraping bowl often with rubber spatula. Add eggs, milk, flour, egg yolks amd lemon peel; beat 5 minutes, occasionally scraping bowl.

5. Press remaining dough around sides of pan to within 1-inch of top. Pour cream cheese mixture into crust.

6. Bake cheesecake 12 minutes. Turn oven control to 300-degrees; bake 35 minutes longer. Turn off oven; let cheesecake remain in oven 30 minutes.

7. Remove cheesecake from oven; cool completelty in pan on wire rack. Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours or intil well chilled.

8. When cheesecake is firm, with spatula, loosen pan side from cheesecake and remove loosen cake from pan bottom; slide onto serving plate… Adapted from March 1992, Good Housekeeping…

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