
1 unbaked pastry shell — (9-10″)

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

3 cups grated zucchini

Salt 8 large mushrooms — sliced

2 tablespoons butter

2 cups grated Monterey Jack cheese

1 package cream cheese — (8 oz.)

1/2 cup whipped cream

2 egg yolks

1 egg

Salt & pepper to taste

Spread the bottom of a pastry shell with mustard. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 10 minutes. Cool. Reduce oven heat to 350 degrees. Place zucchini in

colander, sprinkle with salt and drain 5 minutes. Saute mushrooms in butter. Sprinkle 1 cup of Jack cheese in the bottom of the pastry shell. Spoon mushrooms on top. S queeze zucchini to remove excess moisture. Place in shell, separating and fluff ing with fingers. Beat together cream cheese, cream, egg yolks and egg, season with salt and pepper. Place the pastry dish on a baking sheet and carefully pou r in egg-cream mixture. Sprinkle the remaining Jack cheese on top. Bake in a 35 0 degree oven for 45 minutes, until top is puffed and golden and a knife insert ed in center comes out clean. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting. Very rich. Ma kes 6 servings. Recipe from “One Million Recipes CD”

busted by Judy R.

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