
2 packages active dry yeast

–OR 2 cups starter 1 cup warm water

6 medium potatoes — peeled and cubed

1 quart boiling water

1 cup hops with pollen

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup honey

4 cups whole wheat flour

Dissolve the yeast in 1 cup warm water. Stir and mix the boiling water, hops an d potatoes in a large pot. Cover and simmer until the potatoes are tender. Stra in out the hops. Puree the potatoes. Add and mix enough of the flour to make a thick batter along with salt and honey. Stir well while you gradually heat to b oiling point. Remove mixture from heat and cool to lukewarm. Add the dissolved yeast and stir easily. Cover and let stand at room temperature until light and spongy. Use as needed, and reserve in a loosely covered scalded jar or “sotz co rck.” Keep in refrigerator; do NOT freeze.

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