
1 1/4 c Bread Flour

2 ts Brown sugar

3/4 c Rye Flour

2/3 ts Instant Coffee granules

1/2 c Whole Wheat Flour

2 ts Caraway seeds (opt)

1 tb Dry Milk

1 1/2 tb Cocoa powder

1 ts Salt

2 tb Molasses, dark

1 tb Butter

7 1/2 oz Water

3 tb Cornmeal

1 ts Yeast

Add ingredients to your bread machine in recommended order. In the Panasonic, add the dry ingredients first, then the liquids. If using Fleishmans yeast, increase amount! This will make a 1 lb. loaf. (Tested and created by Robert Birr, using a composite of the Panasonic manual–some people do read manuals!–, Donna German’s receipe and probably more of his imagination than he gives himself credit for!) Posted by: J.MAGUIRE – GEnie Reposted by: Debbie Carlson – Cooking Echo

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