
1 Whole Boneless Skinless

Chicken Breasts — cooked And chopped 1 1/2 c Orzo — raw

1 tb Unsalted Butter

2 ts Curry

2 c Chicken Broth

1/2 c Cucumber — peel/seed/dice

1/2 Green Pepper — diced

2 Scallions — sliced

1/3 c Raw Peas

6 oz Jar Marinated Artichoke

-Hearts-undrained 1/4 c Mayonnaise

Brown the orzo in the butter. Add the curry powder and the broth and boil until the pasta is cooked. Drain (if necessary) and chill. Mix the vegetables and the pasta together. Combine the mayonnaise and the artichoke liquid together to make a dressing. Toss the pasta and the dressing together. Add the chicken and serve. Recipe By :

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