
1 md Seedless English cucumber,

-peeled 1 md Ripe tomato, peeled

1 tb Chopped onion

1 sm Clove garlic, chopped

1/4 ts Curry powder

Pinch each of nutmeg, salt -and pepper 1/2 c Water

1 tb Cider or wine vinegar

2 To 4 drops hot pepper sauce

2 ts Sugar

Prep time: 10 minutes Cool time: 1 hour This cool, crisp soup is best made in summer when the tomatoes and cucumbers are in season, but make sure they are peeled because their peel will be too bitter in this combination. chopped, fresh parsley, optional Chop cucumber and tomatoe into medium sized chunks. In container of blender or food processor, combine cucumber, tomato, onion, garlic,curry, nutmeg, salt, pepper, water, vinegar, hot pepper sauce and sugar. Puree until smooth. Pour into a large bowl or pitcher. Chill at least 1 hour. Pour into soup bowls or mugs. Garnish with chopped parsley, if desired. Makes 4 cups. Origin: Light & Easy Choices Shared by: Sharon Stevens.

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