
2 tb Unsalted butter

2 Ribs celery, strings removed

– with a vegetable peeler, – chopped 1 sm Onion, minced

2 Stalks fresh lemongrass,

– tender inside only, minced 2 md Cucumbers, peeled, seeded,

– chopped 2 c Chicken stock or broth

1 1/2 c Spinach leaves

1/4 c Fresh cilantro leaves

3 tb Whipping cream, if desired

Salt, pepper to taste Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 25 minutes. Yield: 5 cups. 1. Melt butter in a large saucepan. Add celery, onion and lemongrass. Cook gently until onion is tender, 15 minutes. Add cucumbers and stock. Heat to a boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer until cucumber is tender, 10 minutes. 2. Strain solids from liquid, reserving both. Puree solids with spinach and cilantro in a blender or food processor. Add reserved liquid, cream, salt and pepper; mix until smooth. Serve warm or chilled.

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