
1 gallon thinly sliced cucumbers

1 cup pickling salt

1 tablespoon alum

1 tablespoon ground ginger

SYRUP 6 cups sugar

2 cups water

1 tablespoon salt

4 cups vinegar

1 teaspoon celery seed

1 bag pickling spices (size of a walnut)

Soak thinly sliced cucumbers in a gallon of water and the 1 cup pickling salt for 5 days. Stir everyday. After 5 days, drain and add fresh water and the 1 tablespoon alum. soak overnight. Next morning drain and rinse. Bring the cucumbers to a boil in fresh water and cook 10 minutes with 1 tablespoon ginger. Drain and rinse. Make the syrup. Place the pickling spices in cheesecloth and tie up and place in the syrup. Let the syrup come to a boil and add cucumbers and boil 20 minutes. Remove the pickling spice bag and bottle while hot.

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