
1 c Butter Flavor Crisco

1 c Sugar

2 tb Milk

1 Egg

2 1/4 c Flour, All Purpose

1/2 ts Salt

1/2 ts Baking Soda

3 c Coconut, Flaked, Divided

1 Egg Yolk

1 tb Milk

70 Pecan Halves,

– about 1 1/4 cups Preparation Time: 20 Minutes Chill Time: 2 hours to Overnight Bake Time: 12 Minutes Hint: Cookie rolls can be frozen for up to three months. 1. Cream Butter Flavor Crisco, sugar and 2 tablespoons milk in large

bowl at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. 2. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Add to creamed mixture. Add 2

cups of the coconut. Mix until well blended. 3. Divide dough in half. Form each half into a roll 1 1/2 inches in

diameter. 4. Cut 2 pieces wax paper 18 inches long. Sprinkle 1/2 cup coconut on

each piece. Roll dough in coconut. Roll up in wax paper. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. 5. Heat oven to 325 F. Grease baking sheet with Butter Flavor Crisco.

Set aside. 6. Cut dough with a sharp knife into 1/4 inch slices. Place 2 inches

apart on baking sheet. 7. Combine egg yolk and 1 tablespoon milk. Stir well. Brush on cookie

slices. Top each slice with a pecan half. 8. Bake at 325 for 12 minutes. Remove to cooling rack.

Makes 6 dozen 1 1/2 cookies. Source: Butter Flavor Crisco Cookie Collection, page 12. Shared by: David Knight

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