
4 crepes

melted unsalted butter 1 pint vanilla ice cream

2 large strawberries — hulled, halved

— lengthwise, and — halves sliced thin lengthwise

Arrange crepes, browner side down, on a work surface, fold them in half and in half again to form triangles. Lift the top flap of each triangle and put a larg e ball of foil inside to keep the cone open. Brush the crepe cones with the but ter and bake them on a baking sheet in a 400 degree preheated oven for 4 minute s, or until they are crisp. Remove the foil. For crepe cups: Fit each crepe int o an ovenproof 1 1/4 cup glass custard cup and put a large ball of foil in the center of each crepe to keep it open. Bake the tulips on a jelly roll pan in a preheated 400 degree oven for 5 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 2 to 3 mi nutes longer, or until they are crisp and golden. Fill cones or cups with a sco op of ice cream, and garnish with strawberry slices.

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