
2 tablespoons Olive oil

3 tablespoons All-purpose flour

1/8 teaspoon Salt — optional

1 dash White pepper to taste

1 Bay leaf

2 cups Skim milk

1 teaspoon Dry sherry — optional

10 ounces Frozen peas — 1 package

12 1/2 ounces Tuna, canned — water packed

Drained and rinsed 4 Whole-grained English

Muffins — split and lightly Toasted —–DIRECTIONS—–

In a small saucepan, heat oil over medium heat. Add flour, salt, pepper and bay leaf, stirring constantly, 1 minute. Gradually add milk and sherry, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and discard bay leaf. Meanwhile, cook peas half as long as stated on the package; drain. Flake tuna with a fork. Add peas and tuna to sauce and mix well. Heat thoroughly. Place 3/4 cup mixture over each split English muffin and serve immediately. Nutrient Analysis: Calories 410.05 kcal; Protein 35.33gm; Carbohydrate 43.01gm; Total Fat 11.33gm; Saturated 1.82gm; Polyunsaturated 5.61; Monounsaturated 3.16 3.16gm; Cholesterol 58.42mg; Sodium 357.93gm;

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